
God Will Have A People

Editor’s note: Below is a transcript of the sermon Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the General Confere…

God’s Sure Word

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to YouTube on October 9, from president of…

Get Ready! Jesus is Coming Soon.

Greetings, Friends. As you know, we are living in very strange and unusual times. During these last…

President of the global Seventh-day Adventist Church, Ted N.C. Wilson, continues to encourage members in Burundi

Editor’s Note: Since May of 2019, the Adventist Church members in Burundi have endured ongoing…

The Importance of Sabbath School

Greetings, Friends! I hope you have had a wonderful week. And now, as the week draws to a close, we…

President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church recognizes World Pathfinder Day

Hello, friends! Did you know that Sabbath, September 19, is a very important day for nearly 2 millio…

Dealing with Disappointments

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to YouTube on September 11, from president…

President of the global Adventist Church joins Adventists in Burundi as they chart course for the future.

a\Editor’s Note: Since May of 2019, the Adventist Church members in Burundi have endured ongoi…

President of the global Adventist Church Ted N.C. Wilson reflects on “Family Togetherness Week”

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to YouTube on September 4, from president…

A Vital Gift

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on July 31, from president of…

President of the global Adventist Church recognizes “enditnow” Sabbath.

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on July 31, from president of…

Reaching People for God Through the Power of the Bible

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on July 31, from president of…

What is the True Mission God has Called Us To?

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on July 31, from president of…

“Our True Mission”

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on July 31, from president of…

President of the global Seventh-day Adventist Church reminds Adventists in Burundi that “God is carrying them on His shoulders.”

Editor’s Note: Since May of 2019, the Adventist Church members in Burundi have endured ongoing…

We Did It! Worldwide Church Enlists One Million Signatures

The reality that all children around the world can have access to education is one step closer after…

Let the Little Children Come

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on July 24, from president of…

A healthy lifestyle allows us to be more effective messengers for Christ.

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on July 17, from pre…

Ahead of the launch of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s strategic plan, Ted N.C. Wilson asks: When God calls you, will you say “Here I am! Send me.”?

Hello, Friends! I’m happy to greet you this week and share some exciting news! This weekend—Friday,…

Understanding the Heavenly Sanctuary and Investigative Judgement

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on June 26, from pre…

In challenging times, prophecy provides assurance God’s word is true.

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on June 12, from pre…

While man may attempt to change God’s law, God will overcome. He is in control!

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on June 12, from pre…

Amid the challenges of this world, God calls us to be His hands and feet to bring healing and hope to those around us.

Greetings to each of you. This has been a very challenging and difficult week with racist and prejud…

Ted Wilson prays with Ghana’s president

Ghana’s president promised to protect religious freedom during a meeting with Seventh-day Adventist…

A Time for Compassion and Healing: Our Christ-Centered Mission

In this time of pain and unrest across the United States, our hearts continue to go out in sympathy…

Only connection with God can overcome global rise in evil

During these past weeks, we have had such unusual situations around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic…

President of the global Seventh-day Adventist Church sends letter of encouragement to members in Burundi.

Editor’s Note: Since May of 2019, the Adventist Church members in Burundi have endured on…

Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson’s gives May 29 address to the Adventist World Church

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on May 29, from pres…

Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson’s gives May 22 address to the Adventist World Church

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on May 22, from president…

Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson’s gives May 15 address to the Adventist World Church

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on May 15, from president…

Pastor Ted Wilson gives May 8 message to the Adventist Church

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on May 8, from president…

Pastor Ted Wilson gives May 1st message to the Adventist Church

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on May 1, from president…

President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Ted N.C. Wilson, sends letter of encouragement to Adventist members in Burundi

[Editor’s Note: Since May of 2019, the Adventist Church members in Burundi have endured o…

Pastor Ted Wilson gives April 23 message to the Adventist Church

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on April 9, from presiden…

Pastor Ted Wilson gives April 24 message to the Adventist Church

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on April 24, from preside…

Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson gives April 16 video message to World Church

It’s so good to connect with you again. I hope you’ve had a good week, a good week in th…

100DaysofPrayer: A Message and Prayer from Pastor Ted Wilson

Editor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to You Tube on April 9, from presiden…

President of Seventh-day Adventist Church sends message of encouragement to members in Burundi

Editors Note: Since May of 2019, the Adventist Church members in Burundi have endured ongoing persec…

Postponed General Conference Session to focus on mission and business meetings

On March 19, the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church announced the postponement of t…

Adventist leaders discuss options for the upcoming General Conference Session

In light of recent, very rapid, and highly unusual developments associated with COVID-19 and precaut…

President of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, Ted N.C. Wilson gives message regarding Coronavirus [VIDEO]

(Editor’s Note: Below is the transcript of a video message regarding COVID-19, or Coronavirus, from…

Seventh-day Adventist Church World Headquarters asks employees work remotely until March 30th as a response to COVID-19 pandemic.

Out of an abundance of caution and care for the community we serve, the leadership of the headquarte…

State -of-the Art Adventist Museum opens on Galápagos

A Seventh-day Adventist biology professor miraculously acquired prime land on the Galápagos Islands…

Adventist World Church president calls for prayer regarding the coronavirus covid-19 worldwide developments

As many people are fully aware, there is a very serious health situation affecting various parts of…

Adventist visit with Angolan leader takes national spotlight

Seventh-day Adventist Church leader Ted N.C. Wilson sought to meet Angola’s president to thank him f…

On Adventist appeal, Angola reviews Sabbath exams

Angola’s president and parliamentary speaker agreed to consider excusing Seventh-day Adventist stude…

Ted Wilson touts Total Member Involvement to Malawi’s president

If anyone in Malawi had never heard of Total Member Involvement, there was a good chance that they h…

World Church leaders back creation of leadership institute

Solomon Maphosa worked as a pastor for three years in his native Zimbabwe before being asked to serv…

Ted Wilson prays with Ghana’s president

Ghana’s president promised to protect religious freedom during a meeting with Seventh-day Adventist…

Special worldwide prayer for appeal for Wuhan, Hubei Province, and China

[Editor’s Note: At the end of 2019, the World Health Organization [W.H.O] heard first reports of an…

Adventist school expands drastically in Jordan

A Seventh-day Adventist school operating for 78 years in the Middle Eastern country of Jordan has do…

President of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church sends letter of encouragement to members in Burundi.

Editors Note: Since May of 2019, the Adventist Church members in Burundi have endured ongoing p…

A special prayer appeal to the Worldwide Seventh-day Adventist church for the Lord’s intervention in stopping the horrific fires in Australia

Please pray for Australia! Our hearts go out to our dear brothers and sisters down under, and to the…

The Gift of Jesus Christ

As we come to the close of another year, I would like to invite you for a moment to consider the mos…

President of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church sends message to Adventist members in Burundi.

Editors Note: Since May of 2019, the Adventist Church members in Burundi have endured ongoing persec…

Seventh-day Adventist World Church president sends letter of encouragement to members in Burundi

Editors note: Since May of 2019, the Adventist Church members in Burundi have endured ongoing persec…

Seventh-day Adventist World Church President writes letter to Adventist members in Burundi

Editor’s Note: According to the East-Central Africa Division (ECD), this morning, October 24, Burund…

Seventh-day Adventist World Church President, Ted N.C. Wilson, encourages members in Burundi

Dear Esteemed Brothers and Sisters in Burundi, Again, it is a privilege to share with you scriptural…

Former Undertreasurer for the Seventh-day Adventist World Church passes to his rest.

Donald Robinson, former Undertreasurer of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, passed t…

New program coming to Hope Channel

Hope Channel International will launch a new television program entitled, “Revival for Mission” that…

Seventh-day Adventist Church appeals to Burundi government

Seventh-day Adventist world church president Ted N.C. Wilson has issued an urgent appeal for prayer…

Appeal from Seventh-day Adventist World Church President for urgent prayer

I am earnestly appealing to Seventh-day Adventist church members, and others worldwide, to begin a s…

Seventh-day Adventist World Church President makes an appeal in U.S. death penalty case.

The Seventh-day Adventist World Church President, Ted N.C. Wilson, has written a letter of appeal to…

Ted Wilson appeals to 52,000 to have beautiful feet in Peru

Seventh-day Adventist Church president Ted N.C. Wilson urged 52,000 people packed into a sports stad…

Peru’s parliamentary speaker honors Ted Wilson

Peru’s parliamentary speaker presented Seventh-day Adventist Church president Ted N.C. Wilson with a…

2,400 literature evangelists proclaim Christ’s righteousness

A gathering of 2,400 literature evangelists from across South America declared Christ’s righteousnes…

Ted Wilson points Brazilian governor to God

Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist world church, invited the governor of Brazil…

He’s no pastor in Uruguay. He’s simply ‘Carlos’

If J. Carlos Sanchez Ruiz were president of a Seventh-day Adventist union office in his native Peru,…

Paraguay’s vice-president takes Bible verse to heart

Paraguay’s vice president pledged to make justice, mercy, and humility a part of his work and person…

President of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church reacts to the tragedy in Sri Lanka.

Our hearts go out to the grieving families of those killed in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in a terrible, sen…

A Message to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church from the President

Greetings to our more than 21 million members around the world who make up the wonderful Seventh-day…

Seventh-day Adventist World Church President offers condolences for families in Christchurch, New Zealand.

“On behalf of Seventh-day Adventists worldwide, we offer our sincere condolences and sympathy…

UPDATED: Ted Wilson calls for prayer as cyclone batters Mozambiquex

Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, appealed to church members wor…

Christ and His Mission

Leading up to the Andrews University board meetings in Berrien Springs, MI this week, university pre…

Adventist Leaders Get in Shape in Jamaica

Top Seventh-day Adventist leaders are experiencing the church’s health message in a whole new way as…

Special New Year’s Greeting from Ted. N.C. Wilson

Greetings and Happy New Year! We are standing at the beginning of a brand new year of life that God…

Prayer for God’s people, the challenges faced in this world, and the tsunami tragedy in Indonesia

“As we face the new year of 2019, many of our brothers and sisters in various places of the world ar…

Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, gives special Year-End Greeting

Warm greetings to each one of you during this very special time of the year when the world remembers…

Seventh-day Adventist World Church president Ted N.C. Wilson thanks church members for their prayers after the 2018 Annual Council.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, about three weeks ago on October 10, I appealed to you, the nea…

World Church President sets tone for Inter-America year-end meetings

The Inter-American Division’s (IAD) Year-End Meetings began with prayer for the outpouring of the Ho…

In Haiti, Church welcomes Pastor Ted. N.C. Wilson in advance of territory-wide year-end meetings

Seventh-day Adventist World Church President Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson and wife Nancy were greeted by c…

President of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church calls for prayers after fire in California

We want to express our sincere condolences and Christian love to the many people who are facing grea…

Presidential statement of condolence in light of recent violence

Over the past few days the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been deeply saddened by the news of viol…

Adventists urged to be faithful like church pioneers

Seventh-day Adventists should emulate the church’s pioneers by being faithful and proclaiming the “g…

“The Past with A Future—Looking Back to Move Forward Led by God”

Hebrews 10:23-25 “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised…

President of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Ted N.C. Wilson, calls for prayer ahead of the 2018 Annual Council.

Below is a transcript of a video Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the General Conference of Seventh-day…

Ted Wilson inspired by Belgrade Community Center

When you have been inspired you need to visit.  That was the case for Pastor Ted Wilson during…

Adventist Heritage tour called a life-changing experience

Children will receive new learning materials about Ellen White and other Seventh-day Adventist pione…

Green suits and worn knees as church leaders kick off heritage tour

The young boy watched with fascination as the sun shone through the church window on Sabbaths and ca…

Opera singer’s mansion turned into Adventist TV studio in Sweden

Seventh-day Adventist leaders joined several hundred guests in rural Sweden for the opening of a new…

Russian children welcome ‘Uncle Ted’ Wilson to special needs school

Russian children welcomed “Uncle Ted” with traditional bread and salt, music, and handmade greetings…

‘Miracle’ community center opens in Egypt

The plan seemed perfect: Transform an aging Seventh-day Adventist church in the heart of Egypt’s cap…

More than 1,000 people celebrate the Adventist Church’s 90 years in Italy

“Today we enjoy religious freedom and I want to thank the Italian government for this” s…

My father Is why Uganda’s president received ‘Steps to Christ’

Seventh-day Adventist Church president Ted N.C. Wilson likes to pass out religious literature. In re…

New wellness center declared a miracle in India

Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church, declared a new Adventist Mission-funded wellness center in India to be a miracle that should be replicated around the world. T…

New wellness center declared a miracle in India

Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church, declared a new Adventist M…

After Adventist appeal, Uganda’s president moves to abolish Sabbath exams

Responding to an appeal by the Seventh-day Adventist Church president to abolish Saturday exams, Uga…