Today, July 16, is the 104th anniversary of Ellen White’s death in 1915, and we are still here. By God’s grace, I hope we will soon be in heaven.
However, the Lord has given us such amazing instruction in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy to help us in daily living, our mission outreach, and our focus on Christ’s soon coming.
I want to encourage each of you to participate in the reading of the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy as you engage in “Believe His Prophets.” I urge you to pick up the writings of Ellen White and read those powerful messages of encouragement and direct instruction. They have made a huge impression in my life and my goals for mission. They have given me so much understanding or nurture in focus in the areas of Revival and Reformation, Mission to the Cities, Comprehensive Health Ministry, the need to engage our youth in outreach activities, literature distribution, Total Member Involvement, and so much more.
Please look at the hard-copy books or read the material online. You can read all her writings on the official Ellen G. White Estate website and find information to download an app with all her writings at God will bless your patient and diligent attention to His Holy Word, the Bible, and to His Spirit of Prophecy instructions.
On this 104th anniversary of Ellen White’s death, drink in the instruction and hasten Christ’s soon return by implementing God’s precious heavenly messages for us during these last days of earth’s history. Jesus is coming soon!