About Revival for Mission

The Revival for Mission (RFM) series was created by the Seventh-day Adventist Church to encourage and inspire members around the world. Hosted by Seventh-day Adventist World Church president Ted Wilson, the series looks at active mission work done by Adventists in each of the church’s world regions.

Stories are told about how members felt a special sense of spiritual revival that empowered them to reach out with the message of God’s love and companionship.

Pastor Wilson visits remote reaches of icy Alaska and walks the earthquake-damaged campus of Haiti’s Adventist university to uncover beautiful stories of mission in action.

Whether drawing spiritual leadership lessons from wild gorillas in Rwanda or highlighting a successful small group ministry in Italy, each story was chosen for its ability to revive a hunger for mission in the hearts of Adventists around the world.

The message in every episode is clear: God can and will do incredible things through His people if they stand united and open to His call. There is a void that only God can fill and a sense of meaning that only He can provide. Both are available in abundance to all inspired and compelled to do their part in the service of Jesus.