Seventh-day Adventist World Church President offers condolences for families in Christchurch, New Zealand.

News March 17, 2019

“On behalf of Seventh-day Adventists worldwide, we offer our sincere condolences and sympathy to the families and the nation of New Zealand affected by the horrendous killing of at least 50 people in Christchurch.  As Seventh-day Adventists, we believe completely in and defend religious liberty and freedom of conscience for all people and their right to worship in peace as their consciences dictate.  What a tragic event that took place at a house of worship in Christchurch.  We ask that people pray for the families concerned, for the communities affected, for the city of Christchurch, for the nation of New Zealand, and for the peace that can come into hearts from Christ’s presence in our lives.  May that presence of Christ through the Holy Spirit pervade Christchurch today and in the future.”  

Ted N.C Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church