Q: Do you have any material or programs that can assist me in my role as Health Ministries director for my local Seventh-day Adventist church? Your call for the health message to run concurrently with the preached Word — in accordance with the third angel’s message — is key to my role, and I’d like to have all the information I can to make sure I fulfill this role correctly. —Roma, nutritional therapist, from Zimbabwe
A: Roma, I’m delighted that you are looking for ways to best lead out in Comprehensive Health Ministry in your local church. This is a powerful tool that will bring many to Christ. Work closely with your local church pastor in your planning and training. You can also contact your local conference or mission Health Ministries director for material about comprehensive health ministries.
Your world division — the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID) — is working to provide training in Comprehensive Health Ministry for all local church pastors, elders, health ministries directors, and personal ministries directors. I encourage you and your pastor to get in touch with the Zimbabwe Union Conference in Bulawayo to learn how you can participate in this special training and to learn about further available resources.
In addition, you may listen to the presentation, “Keys to Successful Comprehensive Health Ministry in the Local Church,” at https://bit.ly/comprehensivehealthministry by Dr. Fred Hardinge, an associate director of Health Ministries at the General Conference. In addition to being a doctor of public health, Dr. Hardinge is also a registered dietitian.