What is the Adventist Church's plan to reach Arab countries and North Korea?

Questions & Answers April 1, 2016

Q: Recently I became a Seventh-day Adventist after learning the truth and believing that this is God’s remnant church. What is the Adventist Church’s plan to share the gospel in various countries, especially in the Maghreb (northwest Africa), Arab countries in the Middle East, and communist countries such as North Korea? — Jean, Rwanda

A: Jean, first of all I want to welcome you into the Seventh-day Adventist family! As you may know, you have more than 19 million brothers and sisters around the globe. And the Adventist family continues growing every day as people such as yourself find “the truth as it is in Jesus” and join this worldwide, prophetic movement.

Not surprisingly, growth in the countries you mentioned is slow, but there are believers even in some of these places.

As a church, we take Christ’s commission very seriously that “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matt. 24:14, NKJV).

This is why we have a global strategic plan called “Reach the World,” which outlines our mission and purpose, and how we plan to carry out Christ’s command to reach the world. You may download this plan at adventistarchives.org/reach-the-world-doc.pdf.

In addition, the Office of Adventist Mission (adventistmission.org) operates several Global Mission Centers that serve specific people/religious groups around the world. You can visit the Global Mission website at www.globalmissioncenters.org.