Q: Recently, I saw an advertisement from an official-looking group that supports and advocates for gay Adventists. They use the words “Seventh-day Adventist” in their name and have been around since 1976. This group is “looking for supporters and especially an interest coordinator or contact person” in South American countries. I really need to know, what is the official position of the church regarding homosexuality? — Emmanuel V., from South America
A: Emmanuel, official positions of the church are voted during a General Conference in Session, or by the Executive Committee at its Annual Council or Spring Meeting.
The church’s official statement on homosexuality was voted during the Annual Council on October 3, 1999, and was revised by the Annual Council on October 17, 2012. In part, it reads:
“The Seventh-day Adventist Church recognizes that every human being is valuable in the sight of God, and we seek to minister to all men and women in the spirit of Jesus. We also believe that by God’s grace and through the encouragement of the community of faith, an individual may live in harmony with the principles of God’s Word.
“Seventh-day Adventists believe that sexual intimacy belongs only within the marital relationship of a man and a woman. This was the design established by God at creation. The Scriptures declare: ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh’ (Gen 2:24, NIV). Throughout Scripture this heterosexual pattern is affirmed. The Bible makes no accommodation for homosexual activity or relationships.”
To read the rest of the statement, click: https://bit.ly/officialstatementhomosexuality
An official statement on same-sex unions was also approved and voted during the Annual Council on October 17, 2012. In part, it reads:
“We hold that all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, are loved by God. We do not condone singling out any group for scorn and derision, let alone abuse. Still, God’s Word that transcends time and culture does not permit a homosexual lifestyle. The Bible’s opposition to same-sex unions/marriage is anchored in God’s plan at creation for marriage (Gen 1:26-28; 2:20-24), in divine legislation (Lev 18:22; 20:13; 1 Cor 6:9-11), and in Jesus’ explicit confirmation of a permanent, monogamous, and heterosexual marriage relationship (Matt 19:4-6).
You may read the full statement at: https://bit.ly/officialstatementsame-sexunions
The church’s Biblical Research Institute (BRI) formed a committee to carefully study the topic. This committee produced an excellent document, titled “Responding to Changing Cultural Attitudes Regarding Homosexual and Other Alternative Sexual Practices.” This document was presented at the 2014 Spring Meeting of the General Conference, where it was approved and voted as an official statement of the church. I encourage everyone to read this thoughtful, biblical statement here.