Q: Dear Pastor Wilson, My name is Miguel. I need some information for an English project to introduce you to the class (as if you were the speaker). I need to know how long you have been General Conference president, what is your favorite part about being president, where have you traveled, where is your favorite place, and what is your favorite subject to preach about? Thank you for your time, I know you are busy.
A. I’m not too busy to respond to you, Miguel, a young person filled with the love of God! Stay close to Him each day through Bible study, study of the Spirit of Prophecy, and a vibrant prayer life with the Lord. Share Christ and His work in your life and you will be a tremendous evangelistic blessing to God’s church.
Now to answer your questions: I was elected as president of the world church at the General Conference Session in July 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia, and re-elected last July during the GC Session in San Antonio, Texas.
My favorite part about being the GC president is seeing the worldwide work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church come alive in Christ, including His special role for His Remnant Church in sharing the three angels’ messages.
It’s especially exciting to see so many young people excited about their relationship with Christ through Revival and Reformation, and sharing their experience with others through Bible study and study of the Spirit of Prophecy, in service to others, personal witnessing, and public evangelistic activity.
God’s people are on the move around the world for mission and the fulfilling of God’s appointed work for His last-day people. What a privilege, through the righteousness and grace of Jesus, to be part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church — God’s last-day movement to proclaim His three angels’ messages, His message of love and warning to a dying world. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, be a part of it Miguel — and everyone else reading this response! I’m so excited about being a follower of Christ and I hope you are, too!!
My wife, Nancy, and I have traveled hundreds of places over the past five and a half years, and many more before that. As I’m writing this, I’m in the Middle East with so many wonderful people and cultures who are in need of hearing the marvelous news of Christ’s soon coming.
In our travels, we visit many large cities, and I urge all of our young people, and older ones, to become fully involved in “Mission to the Cities,” according to the plans outlined in the Spirit of Prophecy. Tell someone else in your large city about Jesus, our precious Seventh-day Adventist message, and the good news of Christ’s soon coming.
You asked about my favorite place — we’ve visited many different places — hot, tropical places; cold, challenging places; beautiful scenic locations; historically significant places; and difficult spots.
One of the most invigorating places to visit is Seventh-day Adventist educational institutions and see the vibrancy of the young people who are on fire for their Lord! It’s also a great opportunity to visit many churches and large gatherings where we see God’s great work in the hearts of the people.
I think that the best place to visit is where you see the Lord actively working in the lives of our members in Total Member Involvement in proclaiming His love, the last-day Biblical prophecies, and Christ’s soon Second Coming.
My favorite subject to preach on is Christ and His Righteousness. His righteousness can become our righteousness through the incredible gift of grace and power in our lives through the Holy Spirit’s power.
Pray for the latter rain of the Holy Spirit so God’s work will be finished. Pray for a close walk with the Lord as we reach out through Comprehensive Health Ministry and Total Member Involvement. God wants to use each of us to share His precious message with others as we eagerly await Christ’s Second Advent.