Should women preach?

Questions & Answers August 27, 2016

Q: We recently learned about Total Member Involvement through an interview you did with Pastor Duane McKey. The success spoken about was wonderful, and it seemed a very good idea. However, there was an aspect that troubled me — women were being used as preachers. Mrs. McKey and your wife, Nancy. spoke of their preaching experience. There are so many capacities where women could have been of service, why preaching? — Laraine, from the United States

A: Larine, Total Member Involvement (TMI) is a wonderful way for everyone in the church to get involved in winning souls for Jesus! And as we’ve seen in Rwanda and other places, when TMI is implemented, the Lord blesses abundantly and the results are astounding!

This is something all members can be involved with: women and men, girls and boys. It’s lay members and pastors working together to reach others for God’s kingdom. And preaching is just one way to become involved with TMI; there are so many other ways as well!

Regarding preaching, did you know that throughout our history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been blessed abundantly by lay preachers? These are dedicated church members — men, women, youth, and even children — who, though not ordained to the gospel ministry, accept various opportunities to preach God’s message for these last days.

Most of those who presented the evening messages during the TMI outreach in Rwanda were male and female lay preachers. And they will tell you that they were just as blessed in giving these presentations as those who were listening. The Holy Spirit was truly working in and through them.

One of the more powerful testimonies comes from Chantal Kayumba, a young woman from Canada. Her testimony was published in the online Adventist Review on May 27, 2016. You may read it here.

I hope that you will consider becoming involved with Total Member Involvement in whatever way God is calling you. For more information, visit