Q: My best friend has lost interest in reading the Bible. I pray for him and hope that he has a revival. How can I help him? Is there anything I can do? — Christian, from Venezuela
A: Christian, it is wonderful that you care about your friend and are concerned about his spiritual well-being. First, I want to encourage you to keep praying for your friend. We are promised that, “It is a part of God’s plan to grant us, in answer to the prayer of faith, that which He would not bestow did we not thus ask” (“The Great Controversy,” p. 525).
It might be helpful to consider if your friend has recently become involved in activities that could lead to a disinterest in God’s Word and other spiritually enriching activities.
What we listen to, read, watch, activities we engage in — the atmosphere we surround ourselves with — has a profound impact upon our spiritual life. It can happen almost imperceptibly at first, but it is a law of nature that what we feed grows, and what we ignore dies.
If your friend is “feeding” himself with things that don’t encourage spiritual growth, you might want to talk with him, and see if you can learn the reason for his recent changes.
Listen in a non-condemning way, and see if there is something you can do to help. If he has questions or expresses doubts regarding the Bible, or about creation vs. evolution, or lifestyle issues, or any number of other topics, help him to find answers that will strengthen his faith.
A good resource for Bible topics and questions is Bibleinfo.com/en (available in multiple languages). You might also want to visit the Biblical Research Institute’s website at adventistbiblicalresearch.org.
For science-based questions, I recommend visiting the website of the GeoScience Research Institute and checking out their numerous resources at grisda.org.
You could also let him know about the updated Revival and Reformation website that features several faith-strengthening resources, including daily Bible readings and Spirit of Prophecy readings, blogs, prayer resources, and more. Visit the new site at revivalandreformation.org.
Finally, I want to encourage you to keep your own faith strong in the Lord. Spend time with the Lord each day in Bible study and prayer, and be careful to “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life” (Proverbs 4:23, NLT).
May the Lord bless you, Christian, as you stay close to Him and seek to encourage your friend.