How can I become a Seventh-day Adventist?

Questions & Answers February 24, 2017

Q: How can I became a Seventh-day Adventist? — Joshua, from Tanzania

A: Joshua, thank you for your question! We would be very happy for you to join our worldwide end-time movement! We are Christians who love Jesus and believe that the entire Bible is God’s Word. Our name — Seventh-day Adventist — describes two of our most prominent beliefs — that according to the Bible, the seventh-day (Saturday) is God’s holy Sabbath day, a special time when we worship Him, our Creator and Redeemer. The word “Adventist” points to the fact that we look forward to Christ’s second advent, or soon coming.

You will find our 20 million members and churches located in more than 200 countries, including Tanzania. In fact, there are nearly 500,000 Adventists worshiping in more than 2,500 churches across Tanzania.

I recommend that you contact a Seventh-day Adventist pastor in your area, telling him of your desire to join the Adventist Church. If you need assistance in finding an Adventist church, write to: [email protected]. God is longing for you to be part of His last-day Advent movement that fulfills the characteristics of His remnant church found in Revelation 12:17.

For others looking to find a local Seventh-day Adventist Church, you might find the Adventist Directory church locator helpful.

May the Lord bless you as you continue to draw closer to Him!