Q: Where do you see the future of the church going?

Questions & Answers December 11, 2015

Q: Where do you see the future of the church going?

A: Well, I know exactly what the Lord intends as I read the Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy — we will be going through some tough times both externally and internally. The Omega will come and there will be some real challenges. It will probably be something akin to pantheism.

There are all kinds of forces from the exterior trying to inhibit evangelistic outreach. But there are lots of incredible things happening in mission around the world. If I gave you instances from around the world, you would absolutely say “praise the Lord!”

I also see a developing core of young people who are so committed to the Lord and on fire for Him that you won’t be able to stop them. And the Holy Spirit will fall on them. There will be a renaissance of spiritual growth and development. The latter rain is going to fall and we need to pray for that.

There will be enormous cross currents that will buffet the church, but I have absolutely no doubt that the church is going to march through because its eyes are on the Lord and His eyes are on this special unique movement and a burgeoning of God’s work.

I see an awakening in places that have been dormant and truly Laodicean; people are recognizing that we need that pure gold (Revelation 3:18) that Christ offers, and that we need to humble ourselves.

That’s one of the biggest things that all of us need to do — be humble. Humility outside of the Lord’s presence and through His power is impossible.

I see a dynamic church of primitive godliness, simple in its approach, valiantly mission-minded, a church that will go through some pretty tough experiences, but will come through victorious all through the power of God as we anticipate Christ’s second coming. May the Lord bless each one of us as we look forward to His soon return!