How do I write an appeal to reschedule Sabbath exams?

Questions & Answers March 3, 2018

Q: I’m a high school student in Florida and am to take my SAT exams soon. Most state and board exams take place on the Sabbath. Would you assist me in acquiring a formal letter of explanation as to why I will not be able to test on the Sabbath so hopefully I can take the exam on another day? — Robyn, from the United States

A: Robyn, thank you for your question. Unfortunately, many students around the world experience the challenge of tests and classes being scheduled on the Sabbath. As a Church, however, we have the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty (PARL) department that has trained people to help Seventh-day Adventist members with these types of challenges, including providing the kind of letter you are requesting. 

I recommend that you contact the PARL department at the Southern Union Conference (your home union for the Florida Conference), and they will be able to assist you with a letter. They even have a form for such a request, which you may access here.

For others who may be facing similar problems, I recommend that you contact the PARL department in your home union conference or division (if no one is listed in your union). One way to find their contact information is by going to the online Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook by clicking

Under the banner photo, you will find a menu bar. On the menu bar, click “World Divisions” and choose the division you are from. Once you are on the Division page, choose the “Sub Fields” menu to find your home union. Click there and you will see the physical address, email address, and phone number for your union conference. If you look at the list of names, you should find the name of the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty director for your area. If no one is listed, then check the division page.