How can Adventists be best prepared for Jesus' coming?

Questions & Answers April 1, 2016

Q: Could you please refresh us about the near coming of Jesus and as a Seventh-day Adventist how can we best be prepared? — Ana, the Philippines

A: Ana, thank you for your question. This is such an important topic! As you look at how the world is falling apart in every area — politically, economically, socially, ecologically, and ecumenically — can there possibly be any doubt that we are seeing the signs of Jesus’ soon return?

Jesus said in Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” This is happening, now. We are also told that society will become like Sodom and Gomorrah just before Jesus’ return. This is happening now, as well.

Lying and deception of all kinds have entered every phase of our society. Predictions of financial collapse are heard on every hand. Natural and man-made disasters are seen throughout the whole world.

In addition, spiritualism is becoming more and more prominent. Through various ways spiritualism has entered into the lives of people and its influence is spreading in every culture around the world.

What are we as Seventh-day Adventist to do? We are to act in a Christ-like manner, speak with great respect and love as we share His love and truth. And it is essential that we maintain our hold on Christ and His Word. Only His Word will give us strength. Only by relying completely on Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit will we be able to accomplish anything.

Now is the time for total member involvement as we reach the world for Christ through comprehensive health evangelism, mission to the cities, sharing the important Three Angels’ Messages, and the good news of Christ’s soon return!

If you would like to read more about Total Member Involvement (TMI), see my article, “Sharing the Wealth” in Adventist World, at

Time on this earth is short. Probation is closing soon. Preparation to see God face to face by repentance and forsaking of sin needs to be done now. This doesn’t mean, however, that by our own works we will gain salvation.

As Seventh-day Adventists we believe that only through the grace and righteousness of Christ do we have eternal life. But when probation closes, the work of mediation is over. Your character will be set and your destiny eternally decided.

This is why every day we need to be revived and reformed through our Bible study and prayer connection with Christ. We must receive His all-encompassing righteousness through justification and sanctification as daily, through His power, we become more and more like Him.